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JC Project MuSE

Due to various circumstances, underprivileged children typically do not have access to quality extra-curriculum activities, depriving them of opportunities to develop their talent and work on their health, fitness and well-being.

By offering free, high-quality and tailored music (Mu) and sports (S) education (E) programmes to primary school children in the most impoverished areas of Hong Kong, JC Project MuSE aims to develop their artistic and physical literacy and enhance their positive whole-person development, emotional well-being and academic advancement. In doing so, we can provide them with the best opportunities for future growth and development.

The project is expected to benefit more than 8,000 students from 15 primary schools and includes a taster programme, as well as continuous and advanced training in both music and sport. Besides providing students with opportunities to showcase their talents in performances and competitions, we also offer them the chance to attend music shows and sporting events to broaden their horizons.

To allow music tutors and sports coaches to serve and understand the children better, we offer professional development programmes to help them build a supportive teaching and learning environment that caters to the unique needs of each student. To date, the project has benefited approximately 1,200 primary school students.