Charities & Community

Charities & Community Activities


Elderly Services

Jockey Club strengthens HK as an Age-friendly City

Jockey Club promotes an age-friendly culture

In response to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing local population, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has approved donations of over HK$190 million to initiate and fund the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project (“JCAFC Project”) since 2015. The JCAFC Project aims to promote an age-friendly culture in all 18 districts in Hong Kong.

The JCAFC Project organised the Jockey Club Age-friendly City International Conference cum City Partnership Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony earlier. The theme of the conference is “Age-friendly Cities 15 Years On: Origins and Best Practices Worldwide and in Hong Kong”. Speakers and participants from different regions, countries and sectors explored the origins of the age-friendly city movement, challenges arising from the ageing population, cooperation and participation towards sustainability, and insights from different cities in building an age-friendly city through plenary sessions, thematic forum and exhibitions.

The Award Presentation Ceremony for the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme was also held at the event. Over 140 companies and organisations from different industries, Government departments and social enterprises have joined the Scheme. Seven special awards were presented at the ceremony. The award-winning companies and organisations have shown outstanding performance in promoting an age-friendly culture, including encouraging elderly employment, providing convenient and comprehensive facilities for the elderly, designing and providing innovative products and services that meet the needs of the elderly, utilising resources and cooperating with different parties to promote age-friendly measures, developing business opportunities in the silver market, and creating inspirational stories through the implementation of age-friendly measures. For details and the list of awardees, please visit the website of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme:

In partnership with four universities, the JCAFC Project adopts a bottom-up, district-based approach in implementing programmes. To date, over 140 district-based programmes have been organised, with over 110,000 direct beneficiaries. Training has been provided to over 2,200 project ambassadors.

In conjunction with the efforts of the HKSAR Government, District Councils, academia and NGOs, all 18 districts have successfully been admitted to the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. The JCAFC Project was showcased at the Global Solutions Forum of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network in 2020 as a way to implement local initiatives that advance Sustainable Development Goals.