I GIVE (H036)
Country of Origin / Age : NZ / 6
Colour / Sex : Chestnut / Gelding
Import Type : PPG
Season Stakes* : $0
Total Stakes* : $5,111,800
No. of 1-2-3-Starts* : 6-1-1-21
No. of starts in past 10
race meetings
: 0
Current Stable Location
(Arrival Date)
: Conghua
Import Date : 05/07/2022
Trainer : P C Ng
Owner : Mr & Mrs Ting Wing Keung
Current Rating : 80
Start of
Season Rating
: 80
Sire : Per Incanto
Dam : Grace And Eva
Dam's Sire : Stravinsky
Same Sire :
*Includes local and overseas records and earnings
Date Details Passed Date
16/03/2024 Substantial mucus in trachea noted on post-race scoping. -
10/04/2024 Lame left hind. Update: Left hock injury. -
30/04/2024 Surgery to left hock. -