Race Meeting:  11/06/2011   Sha Tin

RACE 9 (699)
Class 3 - 1200M - (80-60) Going : GOOD
HK$ 850,000 Time : (23.27) (45.52) (1:08.86)
Sectional Time : 23.27 22.25 23.34
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 10 SHINING TRIUMPH (M215) M Du Plessis J Size 117 1142 7 -
1:08.86 19
2 12 KING OF HEARTS (CK214) J Lloyd J Moore 114 1047 3 2-1/2
1:09.27 4.7
3 9 SOLAR UP (CK065) W M Lai C W Chang 116 991 1 3
1:09.33 13
4 6 FATBOY SUGAR (CL335) Z Purton P F Yiu 124 1091 8 3
1:09.34 7.2
5 8 LUCKY LEON (M166) M L Yeung A T Millard 115 1087 9 3-3/4
1:09.47 20
6 3 ETERNAL BEAUTY (CL012) M Chadwick A S Cruz 128 1176 5 4-1/2
1:09.56 4.4
7 5 GREEN ZONE (M302) T Angland C Fownes 128 1245 2 4-1/2
1:09.60 19
8 2 CENTURY SUPER STAR (CE070) C Y Ho A Schutz 125 1082 12 5
1:09.64 27
9 7 COMMON GOAL (M167) H W Lai T W Leung 113 1144 11 5-1/4
1:09.70 35
10 1 FLYING SMART (M117) K C Ng Y O Wong 123 1138 10 5-1/2
1:09.74 6.6
11 11 STALLION SUPREME (CJ268) M W Leung K W Lui 114 1081 6 6
1:09.81 28
12 4 FRESH AIR (CL206) B Prebble Y S Tsui 129 1095 4 14-1/4
1:11.14 6.2
WV CLYDESIDER (M283) K C Leung D J Hall 119 --- --- --- --- --- ---

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 10 190.00
PLACE 10 59.00
12 17.00
9 31.50
QUINELLA 10,12 478.50
QUINELLA PLACE 10,12 189.00
9,10 368.50
9,12 102.50
TIERCE 10,12,9 14,897.00
TRIO 9,10,12 1,931.00
FIRST 4 6,9,10,12 3,807.00
8TH DOUBLE 2/10 2,679.50
2/12 292.50
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

CLYDESIDER was withdrawn on 10.6.11 by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (lame left fore) and was replaced by Standby Declared Starter COMMON GOAL (H W Lai). Before being allowed to race again, CLYDESIDER will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. Whilst in the saddling stalls, KING OF HEARTS had its left front plate refitted. On arrival at the Start, KING OF HEARTS was examined by the Veterinary Officer who said in his opinion it was suitable to race. GREEN ZONE, which was slow to begin, was steadied away from the heels of KING OF HEARTS shortly after the start when that horse shifted in after being bumped by FRESH AIR which began awkwardly. From wide barriers, COMMON GOAL and CENTURY SUPER STAR were taken across behind runners shortly after the start. FATBOY SUGAR was badly held up for clear running until near the 200 Metres and then after obtaining clear running between KING OF HEARTS and LUCKY LEON near the 100 Metres got its head on the side and hung out and in dong so made contact with LUCKY LEON on a number of occasions, causing that horse to become unbalanced. Passing the 200 Metres, SOLAR UP was shifted to the outside of the heels of ETERNAL BEAUTY to obtain clear running. COMMON GOAL had some difficulty obtaining clear running in the Straight and over the concluding stages was steadied when awkwardly placed close to the heels of ETERNAL BEAUTY. Throughout the race, FLYING SMART travelled wide and without cover. When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of FRESH AIR, B Prebble stated that it had been intended for the horse, if circumstances permitted, to be ridden in a position behind the leaders. He said however that FRESH AIR began awkwardly and took some time to muster speed in the early stages. He said this resulted in FRESH AIR racing slightly further back than had been intended. He did say however that FRESH AIR travelled well during the race in a midfield position and near the 600 Metres was travelling like it was going to figure in the placings. He said FRESH AIR was travelling strongly at that stage and he had to steady the horse away from the heels of KING OF HEARTS. He added at the 400 Metres FRESH AIR became unbalanced when bumped by LUCKY LEON which shifted in and after this despite being hard ridden commenced to giver ground abruptly. He said the manner in which FRESH AIR finished off the race indicated to him that it may be suffering from some internal issues as the horse did not feel lame or sore after the race. Trainer Y S Tsui stated that following FRESH AIR’s disappointing run last start, the horse had barrier trialed and had pleased him in this trial. He said the horse’s work in the lead up to today’s race had been satisfactory and he was disappointed with its performance. A veterinary inspection of FRESH AIR after the race did not show any significant findings. The performance of FRESH AIR was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, FRESH AIR will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. ETERNAL BEAUTY, SHINING TRIUMPH and KING OF HEARTS were sent for sampling.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Tale Of The Cat

Dam: Simply Royal

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