Race Meeting:  21/11/2010   Sha Tin

RACE 10 (194)
Class 2 - 1200M - (100-80) Going : GOOD TO FIRM
CHEK LAP KOK HANDICAP Course : TURF - "B+2" Course
HK$ 1,150,000 Time : (24.56) (47.83) (1:10.06)
Sectional Time : 24.56 23.27 22.23
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 2 SUPREME WIN (CK204) O Doleuze K L Man 128 1184 10 -
1:10.06 9.4
2 3 HIGH POINT (CH215) C Y Ho D J Hall 116 1123 3 N
1:10.12 22
3 11 MR CELERITY (CL003) M L Yeung A T Millard 114 1177 6 4
1:10.71 2.6
4 14 IMPECCABLE (CL383) C K Tong P F Yiu 113 1105 4 4
1:10.71 53
5 6 FINAL ANSWER (CL178) D Beadman J Moore 122 1120 7 4-1/2
1:10.78 3.6
6 13 WATCH WHAT HAPPENS (CH145) K C Leung S Woods 112 1033 8 4-3/4
1:10.80 99
7 10 ISLAND SUPER (CH297) W M Lai C S Shum 117 1020 2 5-1/4
1:10.88 23
8 9 GOOD STRIKE (CJ351) D Whyte A Lee 119 1131 11 5-3/4
1:10.98 10
9 8 TOUCH GO (CL254) Y T Cheng K W Lui 118 1091 13 6-1/4
1:11.06 5.2
10 7 GOLDEN BAUHINIA (CK123) C W Wong Y S Tsui 119 1080 1 8-1/4
1:11.37 99
11 1 KILDARE (CJ198) J Lloyd D Cruz 131 1161 9 15-3/4
1:12.57 31
12 12 NEEDLES AND THREAD (CJ282) T H So T W Leung 111 1043 12 15-3/4
1:12.58 99
WV 4 GOOD WORDS (CL371) G Mosse A S Cruz 125 --- --- --- --- --- ---
WV-A 5 TRIUMPHANT COLOURS (CL414) W C Marwing D E Ferraris 124 --- --- --- --- --- ---

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 2 94.00
PLACE 2 24.50
3 49.00
11 11.50
QUINELLA 2,3 793.00
2,11 49.00
3,11 97.00
TIERCE 2,3,11 7,051.00
TRIO 2,3,11 751.00
FIRST 4 2,3,11,14 3,952.00
9TH DOUBLE 7/2 1,233.50
7/3 632.00
TREBLE 2/7/2 9,511.00
4/7/2 11,680.00
2/7/3 4,893.00
4/7/3 4,694.00
3RD DOUBLE TRIO 2,4,7/2,3>4,5,11 435,411.00
SIX UP 5,8/5,11/1,5/2,4/4,7/2,3 129,024.00
5/11/1/2/7/2 1,045,092.00
5/11/1/4/7/2 580,607.00
JOCKEY CHALLENGE 1 2 [D Beadman] Details
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

GOOD WORDS was withdrawn on raceday morning by order of the Stewards acting on veterinary advice (presence of mucus on scoping after track work). Before being allowed to race again, GOOD WORDS will be subjected to an official veterinary examination. After being loaded, TRIUMPHANT COLOURS reared and got its right front leg over the barrier partition. TRIUMPHANT COLOURS was removed from the barriers and examined by the Veterinary Officer who said, in his opinion, it was not suitable to race. Before being allowed to race again, TRIUMPHANT COLOURS will be required to perform satisfactorily in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. IMPECCABLE, which was drawn to the inside of TRIUMPHANT COLOURS, was also removed from the barriers to allow TRIUMPHANT COLOURS to be removed. SUPREME WIN was difficult to load. Before being allowed to race again, SUPREME WIN will be required to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. At the start, WATCH WHAT HAPPENS was taken across behind runners to obtain a position closer to the rail. For some distance approaching and passing the 1100 Metres, FINAL ANSWER raced fiercely and got its head in the air when being steadied away from the heels of SUPREME WIN. Apprentice M L Yeung (MR CELERITY) pleaded guilty to a charge of careless riding [Rule 100(1)] in that near the 900 Metres he permitted his mount to shift in when not clear of GOLDEN BAUHINIA causing that horse to be checked and then after having shifted across the running of GOLDEN BAUHINIA, he unnecessarily slowed the tempo of the race which resulted in GOLDEN BAUHINIA being further checked and WATCH WHAT HAPPENS, which was following that horse, being severely checked in consequence. Apprentice Yeung was suspended from riding in races for a period to expire on Sunday, 5 December 2010 on which day he may resume race riding (3 Hong Kong racedays). The commencement of the suspension was deferred until after the Happy Valley racemeeting on Wednesday, 24 November 2010. In assessing penalty, the Stewards took into consideration the severity of the interference and that this was the second occasion this season that Apprentice Yeung had been guilty of a charge of careless riding in similar circumstances. Near the 850 Metres, HIGH POINT shifted out and bumped SUPREME WIN which in turn shifted out, causing TOUCH GO to be taken wider. Also near the 850 Metres, FINAL ANSWER shifted out when being checked away from the heels of SUPREME WIN, resulting in KILDARE and NEEDLES AND THREAD being hampered and taken wider. After this, KILDARE proved very difficult to settle and for some distance passing the 800 Metres was checked away from the heels of TOUCH GO. Throughout the race, SUPREME WIN and TOUCH GO travelled wide and without cover. C K Tong, the rider of the 4th placegetter, IMPECCABLE, was found guilty of a breach of Rule 100(2) in that he failed to ride his mount out with sufficient vigour to the satisfaction of the Stewards over the final 150 Metres. Having considered the circumstances of this case, the Stewards ruled that C K Tong’s licence to ride in races be suspended for a period to expire on Tuesday, 28 December 2010 on which day he may resume race riding (6 Hong Kong racedays). The commencement of the suspension was deferred until after the Sha Tin racemeeting on Saturday, 4 December 2010. In assessing penalty, the Stewards took into consideration the distance over which Jockey Tong had failed to ride IMPECCABLE out to the satisfaction of the Stewards. A veterinary inspection of KILDARE including an endoscopic examination after the race revealed that the horse was a “roarer”. A veterinary inspection of TOUCH GO and IMPECCABLE after the race did not show any significant findings. MR CELERITY, SUPREME WIN and HIGH POINT were sent for sampling.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Fastnet Rock

Dam: Tivoli Dancer

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