Race Meeting:  19/12/2009   Sha Tin

RACE 7 (253)
Class 3 - 1000M - (85-60) Going : GOOD
LG HANDICAP Course : TURF - "C+3" Course
HK$ 850,000 Time : (13.23) (34.39) (56.97)
Sectional Time : 13.23 21.16 22.58
Pla. Horse No. Horse Jockey Trainer Act. Wt. Declar. Horse Wt. Dr. LBW Running
Finish Time Win Odds
1 14 HUSSLER (CJ323) W Pike J Size 113 1126 3 -
0:56.97 8
2 4 SWEET SANETTE (CL103) G Cheyne T K Ng 128 1155 6 2
0:57.29 16
3 10 HAPPY REUNION (CK163) H W Lai P F Yiu 115 1169 5 2-1/2
0:57.37 4
4 12 HO HAPPY (CK286) J Victoire S Woods 114 1093 12 3
0:57.44 20
5 13 WHISKY POWER (CH291) M W Leung K W Lui 111 1094 13 3-1/2
0:57.54 37
6 6 CHINA LUJIA (CJ088) K W Leung Y O Wong 114 1064 2 4-3/4
0:57.71 29
7 8 TEAM WORK (CH276) Y T Cheng Y S Tsui 120 1101 8 5-1/2
0:57.83 30
8 11 SUPER CAGA (CK054) J Lloyd A Lee 116 1297 4 5-1/2
0:57.84 22
9 3 SUPERIOR UNIT (CJ045) K C Leung D J Hall 125 1113 1 5-1/2
0:57.86 12
10 1 STEP TO WIN (CG167) M L Yeung D Cruz 126 1153 7 9-1/4
0:58.43 21
11 2 UPGRADING (CK367) T H So L Ho 123 1026 10 10
0:58.57 31
12 7 BIG CHIEF (CK382) Z Purton P O'Sullivan 123 1223 14 10-3/4
0:58.68 15
13 5 DANE PATROL (CL078) B Prebble C H Yip 125 1114 11 15
0:59.35 2.8
14 9 DIAMOND RAINBOW (CL079) K L Chui K L Man 114 1130 9 18
0:59.83 56

Note: Special Incidents Index

Pool Winning Combination Dividend (HK$)
WIN 14 80.50
PLACE 14 28.50
4 47.50
10 14.00
QUINELLA 4,14 775.50
QUINELLA PLACE 4,14 227.50
10,14 56.50
4,10 105.50
TIERCE 14,4,10 4,969.00
TRIO 4,10,14 599.00
FIRST 4 4,10,12,14 3,077.00
6TH DOUBLE 1/14 1,653.50
1/4 326.50
2ND DOUBLE TRIO 1,2,6/4,10,14 155,065.00
Dividend Note: For Winning Combination, "F" denotes "Any Combination" while "M" denotes "Any Order".

Racing Incident Report

SWEET SANETTE was difficult to load. Before being allowed to race again, SWEET SANETTE will have to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. After being placed in the barriers, DIAMOND RAINBOW became fractious and reared. Before being allowed to race again, DIAMOND RAINBOW will have to perform satisfactorily in a stalls test. As the start was effected, STEP TO WIN, which had been fractious in its stall, lifted its front feet off the ground and consequently was slow to begin. HO HAPPY began awkwardly, shifted in and bumped DANE PATROL. Shortly after the start, CHINA LUJIA was crowded for room between HUSSLER and SUPERIOR UNIT which shifted out. Approaching the 800 Metres, TEAM WORK was steadied when crowded for room between DIAMOND RAINBOW which shifted in and STEP TO WIN which was taken out slightly by SUPER CAGA. Also near the 800 Metres, HO HAPPY was steadied away from the heels of WHISKY POWER which shifted in after being crossed by SWEET SANETTE. Near the 300 Metres and again near the 100 Metres, SUPER CAGA was steadied away from the heels of SUPERIOR UNIT which shifted out. Over the final 300 Metres, SWEET SANETTE hung in and proved difficult to ride. Near the 150 Metres, HO HAPPY was steadied and shifted in when disappointed for running between WHISKY POWER and HAPPY REUNION. When questioned regarding the disappointing performance of DANE PATROL, B Prebble stated that as the horse had proved difficult to settle in fast work on the 1800 Metre gallop on Thursday 17 December 2009, he was instructed to have the horse racing where it was comfortable today. He said DANE PATROL began well and travelled strongly in the early stages. He said he became concerned regarding the manner in which DANE PATROL was travelling after the 600 Metres and after placing the horse under pressure, DANE PATROL was most disappointing in that it weakened badly over the concluding stages. Trainer C H Yip said that the horse had trained on well since its first up run, however, confirmed B Prebble’s evidence that the horse had proved difficult to settle in its final gallop. He said following today’s race, he had spoken with the owner and it had been decided that DANE PATROL would be gelded. Mr Yip was advised that the performance of DANE PATROL was considered unacceptable. Before being allowed to race again, DANE PATROL will be required to perform to the satisfaction of the Stewards in an official barrier trial and be subjected to an official veterinary examination. A veterinary inspection of STEP TO WIN, DANE PATROL and BIG CHIEF after the race did not show any significant findings. DANE PATROL, HUSSLER and SWEET SANETTE were sent for sampling. <21/12/2009 Additional Veterinary Report> STEP TO WIN, which performed poorly, was examined by the Head of Veterinary Regulation & International Liaison. He said at that time there were no significant findings. STEP TO WIN was again examined by the Head of Veterinary Regulation & International Liaison at the stables of Trainer D Cruz yesterday morning. He said at this time he noted the horse to be lame in its left front leg. Before being allowed to race again, STEP TO WIN will be subjected to an official veterinary examination.

Breed of the Winning Horse-Online

Sire: Hussonet

Dam: Lovey

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