FORTUNE SIX (CL328) (Retired)
Country of Origin : NZ
Colour / Sex : Bay / Gelding
Import Type : PP
Total Stakes* : $60,800
No. of 1-2-3-Starts* : 0-0-0-14
Owner : 08/09 Caspar Fownes Trainer Syndicate
Last Rating : 43
Sire : O'Reilly
Dam : Scuddy
Dam's Sire : Silver Pistol
Same Sire : Nil
*Includes local and overseas records and earnings
Horse Form Records - FORTUNE SIX  
Pla. Date RC/Track/
Dist. G Race
Dr. Rtg. Trainer Jockey LBW Win Odds Act.
Finish Time Declar.
Horse Wt.
Gear Video
 11/12 Season
576 WV 29/04/2012 ST / Turf / "A" 1600 Y 4 -- 43 C Fownes C K Tong -- -- 115 -- -- -- -- --
529 08 09/04/2012 ST / Turf / "C" 1000 G 4 11 46 C Fownes W M Lai 6 99 117 13 11 8 0.58.32 1117 TT
Race Replay
502 13 25/03/2012 ST / Turf / "A+3" 1400 G 4 3 50 C Fownes T Angland 13-1/2 25 126 7 7 5 13 1.25.29 1116 TT2
Race Replay
376 09 05/02/2012 ST / Turf / "B+2" 1400 G 4 11 53 C Fownes C Y Ho 7-1/2 32 123 6 6 6 9 1.24.38 1142 --
Race Replay
344 07 25/01/2012 ST / Turf / "A" 1400 GY 4 14 56 C Fownes C Y Ho 6 19 124 13 13 12 7 1.24.58 1150 H-/TT-
Race Replay
177 07 20/11/2011 ST / Turf / "B+2" 1200 G 4 12 58 C Fownes C Y Ho 4 44 126 11 10 7 1.10.65 1158 H/TT
Race Replay
097 12 16/10/2011 ST / Turf / "A+3" 1400 G 4 6 58 C Fownes C Y Ho 8 26 126 10 11 11 12 1.25.14 1149 H/TT
Race Replay
 10/11 Season
752 07 06/07/2011 HV / Turf / "A" 1650 GF 4 1 60 C Fownes T Angland 5-3/4 3.2 133 8 8 9 7 1.41.53 1140 H/TT
Race Replay
733 05 26/06/2011 ST / Turf / "A" 1600 G 4 2 60 C Fownes C Y Ho 2-3/4 7 128 10 12 12 5 1.36.33 1152 H/TT
Race Replay
696 04 11/06/2011 ST / Turf / "C" 1400 G 4 5 59 C Fownes T Angland 3/4 10 132 11 11 11 4 1.23.18 1158 H/TT
Race Replay
659 09 29/05/2011 ST / Turf / "A+3" 1400 GF 4 9 60 C Fownes T Angland 1-3/4 21 133 13 13 13 9 1.24.13 1158 H/TT1
Race Replay
125 08 24/10/2010 ST / Turf / "B+2" 1400 GF 4 5 62 C Fownes Z Purton 5-1/2 25 130 8 11 10 8 1.22.95 1156 H
Race Replay
109 08 17/10/2010 ST / Turf / "A+3" 1200 GF 3 12 62 C Fownes M Du Plessis 7-1/2 31 117 10 11 8 1.10.69 1172 H1
Race Replay
 09/10 Season
740 11 04/07/2010 ST / Turf / "C+3" 1400 GF 3 3 67 C Fownes B Prebble 2-3/4 25 120 7 7 8 11 1.23.41 1132 --
Race Replay
695 11 16/06/2010 ST / Turf / "A" 1200 GY 3 3 67 C Fownes B Doyle 6-1/2 74 120 12 12 11 1.11.19 1141 --
Race Replay

1.   Special Incidents Index
2.   Aerial Virtual Replay is provided by 3rd parties, for personal infotainment only.  Due to the frequent usage of mobile phones at the racecourses, the signals receiving by 3rd parties system may be affected and thus the accuracy of Aerial Virtual Replay cannot be guaranteed.  Every effort is made to ensure the information is up to the closest approximation, but the club assumes no responsibility for it.  For the actual race results, the customers should refer to Real Replay videos.

Please note : All horse information is calculated since 1979-80 racing season.

B : Blinkers BO : Blinker with one cowl only CC : Cornell Collar CP : Sheepskin Cheek Pieces
CO : Sheepskin Cheek Piece One Side E : Ear Plugs H : Hood P : Pacifier
PC : Pacifier with cowls PS : Pacifier with one cowl SB : Sheepskin Browband SR : Shadow Roll
TT : Tongue Tie V : Visor VO : Visor with one cowl XB : Crossed Nose Band
"1" : First time "2" : Replaced "-" : Removed