Country of Origin / Age : NZ / 6
Colour / Sex : Grey / Gelding
Import Type : PPG
Season Stakes* : $0
Total Stakes* : $620,425
No. of 1-2-3-Starts* : 1-0-0-18
No. of starts in past 10
race meetings
: 0
Current Stable Location
(Arrival Date)
: Hong Kong
Import Date : 05/05/2022
Trainer : K W Lui
Owner : Kam Hing Yuen
Current Rating : 28
Start of
Season Rating
: 28
Sire : Telperion
Dam : Miss Anatina
Dam's Sire : Murtajill
Same Sire :
*Includes local and overseas records and earnings
Horse Form Records (Recent 3 seasons) - GENERAL ACE
Recent 3 seasons Other seaons Show All
Pla. Date RC/Track/
Dist. G Race
Dr. Rtg. Trainer Jockey LBW Win Odds Act.
Finish Time Declar.
Horse Wt.
Gear Video
 24/25 Season
 (No Running Records in this season)
 23/24 Season
784 14 01/07/24 ST / Turf / "B" 1400 G 5 11 30 K W Lui C Y Ho 13-3/4 63 125 10 8 12 14 1.24.63 1053 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
732 08 08/06/24 ST / Turf / "C" 1400 G 5 3 32 K W Lui C Y Ho 4-1/4 31 126 10 11 11 8 1.22.83 1055 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
707 13 29/05/24 ST / AWT 1650 GD 5 5 33 K W Lui K De Melo 15-1/2 35 129 8 7 8 13 1.42.52 1062 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
647 05 08/05/24 HV / Turf / "B" 1200 G 5 3 34 K W Lui C Y Ho 2-1/4 12 129 8 10 5 1.11.01 1056 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
579 12 14/04/24 ST / Turf / "C" 1200 G 5 8 35 K W Lui L Ferraris 5-1/2 41 130 9 9 12 1.10.59 1053 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
515 06 20/03/24 HV / Turf / "C+3" 1200 G 5 7 35 K W Lui K De Melo 5-1/4 15 132 8 9 6 1.11.41 1062 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
475 12 06/03/24 HV / Turf / "B" 1200 G 5 11 35 K W Lui K De Melo 10-1/4 18 131 11 10 12 1.12.31 1081 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
418 01 15/02/24 HV / Turf / "C" 1200 G 5 8 29 K W Lui K De Melo N 22 124 10 10 1 1.10.98 1068 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
388 08 04/02/24 ST / AWT 1200 GD 5 3 32 K W Lui L Hewitson 7-1/4 24 127 8 7 8 1.11.17 1079 XB-/CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
315 WV 07/01/24 ST / AWT 1200 GD 5 -- 32 K W Lui L Hewitson -- -- 131 -- -- -- -- --
290 06 29/12/23 HV / Turf / "C+3" 1200 G 5 11 34 K W Lui L Hewitson 2-3/4 36 126 11 11 6 1.10.93 1081 CP/XB
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
 22/23 Season
589 10 19/04/23 HV / Turf / "C" 1200 G 5 11 38 K W Lui C Y Ho 4-3/4 18 133 11 12 10 1.10.84 1054 CP/XB
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
494 06 15/03/23 HV / Turf / "C" 1200 G 5 9 39 K W Lui C Y Ho 2-1/4 31 134 7 7 6 1.10.12 1050 CP/XB1
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
441 08 22/02/23 HV / Turf / "C+3" 1200 GF 4 11 41 K W Lui A Badel 7-1/2 42 116 8 9 8 1.10.70 1045 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
400 04 08/02/23 HV / Turf / "B" 1200 G 4 5 43 K W Lui C Y Ho 4-1/2 73 118 6 6 4 1.09.97 1051 CP
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
353 11 21/01/23 ST / Turf / "B" 1600 G 4 1 46 K W Lui C Y Ho 16-1/4 52 122 1 1 1 11 1.37.92 1054 CP1
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
295 12 01/01/23 ST / Turf / "C" 1600 G 4 3 49 K W Lui C Y Ho 7-1/2 42 124 10 9 9 12 1.36.49 1069 --
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
216 09 04/12/22 ST / Turf / "C+3" 1200 GF 4 9 52 K W Lui C Y Ho 9-1/4 50 126 10 12 9 1.10.86 1069 --
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
161 11 12/11/22 ST / Turf / "A+3" 1200 GF 4 13 52 K W Lui C Y Ho 6-3/4 58 130 13 10 11 1.10.14 1063 --
Multi Angle Race Replay Aerial Virtual Replay
1.    Special Incidents Index
2.    Aerial Virtual Replay is provided by 3rd parties, for personal infotainment only.  Due to the frequent usage of mobile phones at the racecourses, the signals receiving by 3rd parties system may be affected and thus the accuracy of Aerial Virtual Replay cannot be guaranteed.  Every effort is made to ensure the information is up to the closest approximation, but the club assumes no responsibility for it.  For the actual race results, the customers should refer to Real Replay videos.
B : Blinkers BO : Blinker with one cowl only CC : Cornell Collar CP : Sheepskin Cheek Pieces
CO : Sheepskin Cheek Piece One Side E : Ear Plugs H : Hood P : Pacifier
PC : Pacifier with cowls PS : Pacifier with one cowl SB : Sheepskin Browband SR : Shadow Roll
TT : Tongue Tie V : Visor VO : Visor with one cowl XB : Crossed Nose Band
"1" : First time "2" : Replaced "-" : Removed